I’m not going to call this an emerging trend but it seems to be something that was put on the back-burner for far too often…and Google has noticed. To be fair, it’s not like they never considered the user experience important, in fact, that was the whole reason Google was created in the first place.
Our News
Having your own website can have tremendous value, it can help with branding your company and increase your presence to the rest of the world instead of just your local area. A great way to brand your company on a site is by tailored illustrations.
No matter what business you’re involved in nowadays, inevitably, technology is integrated in one form or another. For most, this comes in the form of a website, therefore, leads from your website.
It’s always interesting to contemplate ideas when it comes to grabbing someone’s attention on a site. Truth is, there is no specific way to get someone’s attention. There are many combinations but as per experience, one I find to be incredibly effective is using color clashing.
Times are changing once again. Video is on the rise. People are changing their preferences for reading status updates to “face-to-face” videos for everything imaginable.
You spent countless hours constructing the perfect work of art that would rival the works of Picasso. Cue microinteractions. These subtle hints in any design keep users moving forward and satisfied until the end.
In 2017, we see an old concept emerging…that of minimalism. The sheer power of minimalism is starting to be reacquainted into the repertoire of designers (web designers and graphic designers alike). By sheer power, we find that less is truly more.
The future is here…or at least it’s starting to finally come to fruition. 360 VR technology. We are yet to be at the point of this futuristic technology being integrated into everyday life, but it’s exciting to think about. Especially as designers, the possibilities are endless.
The first idea that strikes me is that it changes like the seasons, with new products and softwares coming out every few months. The next big thing is always around the corner. To me, this is an incredible feat but shows that when it comes to being successful in the industry, there is a lot to be considered.
As web developers we are always looking towards the future. We constantly think how we can expound upon it and create the next new thing that will improve users’ experiences on both mobile and web.