Chances are that you are more than well acquainted with social media and the various advertisements that are on any platform. Social media advertising has proven itself to be big money for any platform willing to give businesses targeted advertising opportunities. This also proves to be a great opportunity for any business that’s willing to take advantage of it. Don’t get me wrong though, sales and business opportunities are not just handed to you because you started advertising or building a following on social media. It still takes A LOT of hard work. Putting in the hours while getting smarter is what will eventually get you to the top of the Denver SEO. With that being said, getting smarter about your marketing strategy on Facebook is easier said than done. You could go on YouTube and find hundreds of gurus that will give you the “perfect” tutorial on how to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales within a week or a month. Are these great ways of making money? Well…potentially. I can’t discount any technique that someone has come up with to help others succeed but the question you have to ask is, “why give this information away for free” and “if you need to charge for it…does it actually work”. Truth is, there is no easy way to go about marketing because, more than likely, there’s already a ton of competition in your chosen field online. Hence, you need to get smarter but what does this entail exactly? Besides giving you just some sort of vague notion about educating yourself, I’m gonna go over various techniques (more quick tid bits to look further into yourself) both organically and paid that you can try to get your business to the mountaintop.
Facebook Marketing
Organic & Paid

Use Facebook Videos for Engagement
If you’ve been on the internet anytime in the last two or three years then you’ve probably noticed a trend going on of people making either live videos or video advertisements. The reason for this is because it has proven invaluable as a marketing technique. When making videos it can give people that sense as if they are there or in the case of live streaming they can actually interact with you in real time. This also allows for people to see the “human” side of a business, essentially, letting them know that there is a face behind a business and can add a sense of trust being that they know there’s someone there that cares.
Use Engagement Driven Content (Not Click Bait)
Within the past year, Facebook has made a pledge to change it’s platform to one that puts precedence on community engagement that is meant to get people talk more with each other rather than pushing advertisements to drive its revenue. With this they have changed their algorithm so that it no longer pushes click bait but will push posts that drive engagement instead. Instead of looking at this as a detriment to business accounts, you should see this as more of an opportunity to become more “customer first” to drive your branding and really interact with potential customers/clients. You can take advantage of this by posting or sharing content that promotes engagement from your friends like asking a question.
Connect and Share Content With Like-minded People
Whenever you start doing your research and learning about marketing, the term you’re probably going to hear the most is “target audience”. The idea behind this is that when you’re marketing any product or service you’re going to want to get it in front of people who are actually interested in what you have to offer. If you really think about it, how effective will your marketing efforts be if they’re presented to people who don’t have any interest in what you offer, they’re simply not going to buy anything and you will not succeed. However, being that Facebook is so big, with thousands of different groups and pages that are dedicated to specific types of products or services, you can actually find like-minded people to connect with over time. Mind you, this does take some time to actually do research to find people that will be interested but it is definitely possible, all while giving you the stage to promote at a more successful rate.
Invite People to Your Company Page
You may or may not know about this option but chances are you’ve received at least a few of these requests. Truth is, any business can do this. It is also a great way of growing your brand. Think about all the time you spent building up your friend’s list with like minded people and now half (or more) of those people like your page to give you the stamp of approval to others on Facebook. Not only does this give your business a backing that says you are a trustworthy brand but it allows you to gain a higher spot on showing up on friends’ timelines so that they can share your message even more.
Use Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups is another way of connecting with great people that happen to be interested in the same thing as you! The best part is it is as easy as searching for “Denver web design” [insert your keyword or interest instead] + group. Depending on what you’re searching for, it may take some time to find specific groups that you would want to be apart of that also has a good deal of members and for you to get approved to be in said group, but after you’ve joined it would give you the fantastic opportunity to interact with like-minded people while promoting your own content. The only thing I can recommend is to not post too much of your own stuff or you’ll risk getting kicked out of the group.
Post Regularly Without Exception
This may be the only part of organic building for Facebook that could be considered a rule. To be clear, YOU SHOULD BE POSTING YEAR ROUND. The reason for this is that when you start to post less or not at all Facebook’s algorithm will start to rank your content on the bottom of the list since it doesn’t get people to engage all that much. Ultimately, Facebook wants people to engage with others content so you could be shooting yourself in the foot if you don’t post regularly. Luckily there are a few tools out there to help with that. Here’s some you can check out to see if they’ll work for your business:

When you start doing more research into Facebook Advertising, you’re going to find A LOT of advice/recommendations on how to succeed. I’m not going to tell you that you should discount any advice because chances are if someone’s written about it then they’ve achieved at least some level of success with their ads. The one thing I will say though is that with all advice you should take it with a grain of salt and make sure that you have thoroughly vetted the advice. The best way to approach this is to continue doing your research to see how many times you can come across (posted recently) the same type of advice. If you’ve seen the same thing repeated at least a few times then chances are there is some credibility behind what you’re seeing. With that being said, we’ve gone ahead and went through quite a few pieces to see what some tactics you can focus on for success are (this is also including our own experience).
Headlines, Descriptions (Matching Speech Patterns of Your Audience), Images, & Colors
When advertising any product it is important to keep in mind how your message will be interpreted. Think about the difference in your speech patterns from when you’re talking to your parents versus when you’re talking to your friends. The analogy might need to be adjusted depending on the relationships in your life but, either way, we tend to speak differently to different types of people in our lives. As another example, think about how you speak to someone at a job versus how you would speak to a friend. This same idea can be applied to creating your descriptions and headlines for an ad campaign. To get your products or services in a position to sell then you must speak your target audience’s language. Spend your time to look through other pages that are similar to your products, look at ads like your product, or look on the profiles of those that feature or like this kind of products. After going through all those resources, you’ll start to pick up on how people will talk, from there you can utilize their speech patterns and infuse them with selling language. By selling language I mean terms that not only speak to the person but also create a sense of urgency. “Is your website doing everything it can for you? Click now to see how Tag Team Design can upgrade your Denver web design to make sure you stand out in front of your competition!”. Generally speaking, you probably want to go with something a bit shorter that is also attention grabbing but you get the idea here. Remember you get a headline and a description so that gives you a little wiggle room to play around with it.
Besides language, the other things you’re going to want to consider is your types of images and your color scheme. These fall along the same kind of guidelines and when you’re considering what type of image to put in your ad you should think of what kind of emotions your trying to appeal to within your audience. Let’s say since we’re selling web design services that will improve business then we would probably be better off finding an image that shows someone (the assumption is a customer) looking at a website with a big smile on their face. This image would convey the idea subconsciously that they are looking at our work and are happy because they are finding what they need on the website. The potential client would then consider our services because they would want to replicate the same reaction for people that are going to come across their site to consider their business. Following in the same footsteps, your color(s) of choice are also saying something subconsciously to viewers. Check out this great article that breaks down the most common colors used and what they tend to signify. Keep in mind, these are not just assumptions either. Color psychology has been a well studied and well documented phenomena that’s been around for some time, making it very important that when creating your ad, you place the right colors in your ad to convey the right message. If you can craft the right message with all parts fitting together in the right way you will increase your chances of having a successful ad exponentially.
For some great ad examples, check this article from Klientboost!
Best Times to Post On Different Social Media Networks
If you’re not aware, there are certain peak hours when it comes to any social media network. When looking on the internet you’re going to run across a few different answers to when is the best time to post on specific social networks (they all have varying times) and how your type of post will change the time you should post. As always, consider the source of the information. We chose to look at Sprout Social’s study that breaks down the best times to post for Facebook based on global engagement. If you want to see the full break down, then you can check it out here.
We’re just going to cover the general stats because it seems that most of them seem to roughly revolve around the same time frames.
Without further ado, the best times to post on Facebook in 2019 are:
- Wednesday at 11am and 1pm
- Weekdays at 9am to 3pm
- Before 7am and after 5pm have the least engagement
- Sunday has the least amount of engagement of all days
Don’t take this completely to heart. You could still find success at other times, I mean, with 2 million active users every month there are people online all the time. These are just the times that you’re likely to get the most engagements, meaning, you have to keep a sharp eye out on your posts to monitor when it is that your audience is interacting the most with posts. It takes a bit of experimentation but with patience you can get your ads the engagement they deserve.
Chances are that you’ve noticed that videos are on the rise. More and more businesses have been using videos to engage with potential clients. Not only does this allow a business to sell an experience in a short window but it also allows for them to sell the “human” side of their business so as not to just push a product on someone but rather introduce the idea that there are people behind the product that actually care and will be there to answer any questions or concerns they may have. There is a lot of power in seeing a video with someone’s face on it and a lot of the power comes from a human connection aspect. This makes videos a great selling point. Here’s a few facts, from an Oberlo article that will shed some light on the benefits of video marketing.
- 85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly on any of their devices.
- 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.
- 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media.
- Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year.
- The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.
- Where both video and text are available on the same page, 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product or service.
- Viewers are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text format.
As you can see, video marketing has proven itself as one of the best ways to market your brand in 2019. Don’t expect these numbers to go down anytime soon being that video marketing is still pretty much just beginning. The nice part about video marketing is that it has become easier and easier to record videos. With tons of accessories for your phone and some decent video editing software, you can even use that to create stunning videos for your advertisement without having to spend a ton of money on equipment!
A/B Testing
No matter what success stories you read about Facebook Ads, there is no particular strategy that is going to bring you wild success. Everyone’s experience is different and by that I mean certain techniques work for some people while they don’t work for others. It’s up to you as a savvy business owner to go sift through the recommendations and try what you think might work depending on your industry.
You can split the difference in your testing to try out multiple things at once. This is what we call A/B Testing or Split Testing to some. No matter what you’ve read up to this point about paid ads, there is no guarantee that they will work for you. There’s a chance you could be trying to appeal your product or service to a specific age group of 45+, then you find through testing that people 25-36 favor your product the most or you find that no one is clicking on an ad and after changing the picture your ad becomes highly successful. This is where [A/B Testing] running multiple variations of an ad will come in handy. Imagine you run two versions of the same ad with the same descriptions but two different pictures and one turns out bring far more business in, well, now you actually have results for what is going to be effective in the long run. This can also be applied to having various kinds of descriptions or headlines (which Facebook allows you to do initially when setting up your ad).