It’s never an easy process to get a business started, making sure every little thing is checked off the list before you can really dive deep into finding your way to success but eventually you will come to a time when the initial phase of getting started is over. What is it that you do then? This part is even harder, especially if it’s your first business. You can do all the research you want but a lot of it comes down to innate viewpoints and experimentation. What works for some may not work for others. Unfortunately, that’s just how it goes or else everyone would just be a successful entrepreneur. Instead, it is up to you as the business owner to set your company up for success by arming yourself with the best possible tools and strategies (knowledge) that you can. There is no one size fits all approach. We can learn from great entrepreneurs and leaders but at the end of the day it depends on your diligence to propel you to heights of great success.
But here’s a few things to consider to help you out…
Tools to Help You Grow
Google Analytics
In conjunction with some great advertising and organic growth strategies, google analytics will help you break down all the details of who is coming to your site consistently. This means that with the power of Google tracking you can start to figure out what your target audience should be so that you can either cater content or advertising towards them.
Google Search Console
While knowing your audience is a great thing, it’s also good to know exactly why they’re coming to your site. Google Search Console gives you the ability to look over what your overall performance is organically (clicks and impressions), as well as, what pages are finding the most success and which pages barely get any attention what so over. From a content standpoint, this proves be invaluable being that if some pages are successful while others are not you can work on redefining your content in a way that would potentially be more pleasing to your target audience.
One of the most valuable assets that you want to have is a way to track where your company stands organically on a fairly regular basis. Although Google Search Console and Google Analytics are great tools, they don’t break down the number of backlinks you have altogether, what backlinks your competitor has, the authority of sites, or give you access to keyword analysis. These are some of the few things that platforms like AHREFs, SEMRush, and others offer to you so you can work on building up your company from the organic side and the paid advertising side.
Knowing How to Rank Organically – Google’s Factors
The first thing you need to know when you’re getting started is what factors Google considers when determining the ranks. This is not going to be a completely straightforward answer being that they have over 200 ranking factors but there are a couple things you can do to help your ranks over time that are more high priority over the many other ranking factors.
One of the biggest factors even up until this day is backlinks. By this I mean having high authority sites pointing back to your site. It’s not the same as it used to be in the late 90’s and early 2000’s where you could just create a ton of backlinks and you ranked high. Backlinks today have to come from actual trusted domains with high ranking scores (which you can figure out with tools like AHREFs or SEMRush) and they have to be paired with actual valuable content that’s not stuffed with keywords.
It’s not the easiest thing to come up with great content all the time but it is where we are at now. Google has refined its techniques so much over the years so that if you don’t create great content then you will fall in the ranks. More than likely you wouldn’t see this happen immediately but their idea is to come up with the best possible answer for anyone’s search so to do that great content is required to show you are an expert in your field. If you’re having trouble doing this there are ways to supplement the work. For our Denver SEO or Denver web design writing needs, we like to go through Writer Access to get experienced writers to handle our writing projects by giving them an idea and letting them take care of the rest. The best part is that it’s not incredibly expensive to do this and they do great work. If you’re just having trouble coming up with ideas and don’t mind doing the writing then check out the resources we’ve provided.
Mobile First Indexing
The majority of people still look up websites on their desktop or laptop…for now. Recent studies have shown that roughly 40% to 50% of daily searches are made on a mobile phone. Soon enough that’s going to be closer to 80% or 90% which means your site better be ready to work on a mobile phone or else risk not showing up anywhere significant. Google has put a precedent on making sure sites are mobile-ready being that almost half their searches are done on these things and for the sake of providing the best answer possible, if your website looks terrible or doesn’t load fast enough then you can’t provide what they need so there’s no need to rank your site high. Check out the resources we’ve provided on how to help with that.
There’s no set answer when it comes to advertising online that will make you successful. Albeit, there are options that don’t require you to pay, you’ll find out eventually that you will have to advertise in some capacity because organic rankings won’t have the reach of paid (think about paid advertisements in Gmail now). If you look into the best places to advertise there’s a ton of options out there and there’s tons of people that claim they have the formula for doing it so your ROI can skyrocket. Who knows really but there will come a time that you’ll have to experiment to find out what works for you. If you’ve already utilized the power of Google Analytics and have returned decent enough data to narrow down a target audience then you’re already on your way but if you haven’t then it comes down to a little trial and error to figure out what your target audience is. Most of the techniques out there fall under the same idea of experimenting and figuring out what a target audience for your product or service is. They only require a little bit of time. Check out the resources below to get a better idea about some advertising possibilities.
Check out the rest of our series on the steps you need to take to start your own business: